Xavantina Operations

  • The Xavantina Operations (formerly known as the NX Gold Mine) is located in southeastern Mato Grosso State, Brazil, approximately 670 km east of the capital city of Cuiabá. The Xavantina Operations consist of fully integrated underground mining and processing facilities. The high-grade, shear-zone hosted, quartz vein system is accessed via a single decline, and current mining operations are focused on the Santo Antônio vein. Ore is processed using a conventional three-stage crushing circuit, milling, and a combination of gravity concentration and intensive leaching and flotation followed by carbon in leach at the Xavantina Mill, located adjacent to the underground mine.

    Near mine exploration activities are focused down-plunge of the Santo Antônio, Matinha, Brás and Buracão veins. In early 2021, the first regional exploration program commenced, focused on the under-explored, 31,716 hectare land package held by Ero Copper.

    In August 2021, RGLD Gold AG, a wholly owned subsidiary of Royal Gold, Inc., purchased a $110 million gold stream on the Xavantina Operations in exchange for 25% of gold produced from the operation until 93,000 ounces of gold have been delivered, decreasing to 10% of gold produced over the remaining life of mine. RGLD Gold AG will make ongoing payments equal to 20% of the prevailing spot gold price for each ounce of gold delivered until 49,000 ounces of gold have been received, after which it will pay 40% of the prevailing spot gold price for each ounce of gold delivered. Full details of the transaction can be found in the Company’s press release dated June 30, 2021.



    Primary Commodity:


    Mine Type:


    2024 Production:

    57,210 ounces of gold

    2024 C1 Cash Cost

    $493 per ounce of gold produced

    2024 AISC

    $1,006 per ounce of gold produced

    2025 Production Guidance:

    50,000 - 60,000 ounces of gold

    2025 AISC Guidance:

    $1,400 - $1,600 per ounce of gold produced
  • ClassificationTonnage
    (000 tonnes)
    (gpt Au)
    Au Contained
    (000 ounces)
    Proven, Santo Antônio Vein2239.6869.4
    Proven, Matinha Vein---
    Total Proven2239.6869.4
    Probable, Santo Antônio Vein1,155 9.76362.3
    Probable, Matinha Vein939.2027.5
    Total Probable1,2489.72389.8
    Total Proven & Probable1,4719.71459.2
    Measured, Santo Antônio Vein3339.57102.3
    Measured, Matinha Vein---
    Measured, Brás & Buracão Vein---
    Total Measured3339.57102.3
    Indicated, Santo Antônio Vein1,222 11.57454.6
    Indicated, Matinha Vein1309.5940.1
    Indicated, Brás & Buracão Vein73.360.7
    Total Indicated1,35911.34495.4
    Total Measured & Indicated1,69110.99597.8
    Inferred, Santo Antônio Vein25913.49112.2
    Inferred, Matinha Vein21611.5480.3
    Inferred, Brás & Buracão Vein1574.7123.8
    Total Inferred63210.64216.2

    Mineral Reserves Notes:

    1. Effective Date of June 30, 2024.
    2. Mineral reserves included within stated mineral resources. All figures have been rounded to the relative accuracy of the estimates. Summed amounts may not add due to rounding.
    3. The 2024 mineral reserve estimates were prepared in accordance with the CIM Standards and the CIM Guidelines, using geostatistical and/or classical methods, plus economic and mining parameters appropriate for the deposit. Mineral reserves are the economic portion of the measured and indicated mineral resources. Mineral reserve estimates include operational dilution of 17.4% plus planned dilution of approximately 8.5% within each stope for room- and-pillar mining areas and operational dilution of 3.2% plus planned dilution of 21.2% for cut-and-fill mining areas. Mining recovery of 92.5% and 94.7% assumed for room-and-pillar and cut-and-fill areas, respectively. Practical mining shapes (wireframes) were designed using geological wireframes / mineral resource block models as a guide.
    4. Mineral reserve estimates were prepared under the supervision of and verified by Mr. Cid Gonçalves Monteiro Filho, SME RM (04317974), MAIG (No. 8444), FAusIMM (No. 329148) and Resource Manager of the Company who is a Qualified Person as such term is defined under NI 43-101.

    Mineral Resources Notes:

    1. Effective Date of June 30, 2024.
    2. Presented mineral resources inclusive of mineral reserves. Indicated mineral resource totals are undiluted. All figures have been rounded to the relative accuracy of the estimates. Summed amounts may not add due to rounding.
    3. Mineral resources are estimated using ordinary kriging within 10 meter by 10 meter by 2 meter block size, with a minimum sub- block size of 1.0 meter by 1.0 meter by 0.5 meter.
    4. Mineral resource are constrained using a minimum stope dimension of 2.0 meters by 2.0 meters by 1.5 meters, a cut-off of 1.20 gpt based on underground mining and processing costs of US$72 per tonne and a gold price of US$1,900 per ounce. 
    5. The Mineral Resource estimates were prepared in accordance with the Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum (“CIM”) Definition Standards for Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves, adopted by the CIM Council on May 10, 2014 (the “CIM Standards”) and the CIM Estimation for Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves Best Practice Guidelines, adopted by CIM Council on November 29, 2019 (the “CIM Guidelines”), using geostatistical and/or classical methods, plus economic and mining parameters appropriate to the deposit.
    6. Mineral resource estimates were prepared under the supervision of and verified by Mr. Cid Gonçalves Monteiro Filho, SME RM (04317974), MAIG (No. 8444), FAusIMM (No. 329148) and Resource Manager of the Company who is a Qualified Person as such term is defined under NI 43-101.

    Mineral resources which are not mineral reserves do not have demonstrated economic viability.

  • May 12, 2023
    Technical Report on the Xavantina Operations, Mato Grosso, Brazil

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